Students can produce their own media content in the project "Ernährungsradar" (e.g. explainer video, interview) and thereby gain additional qualifications in the areas of nutrition and media. New media, blogs or social media are ever-present in professional and private life. Thus, the ability to process complex contents correctly and comprehensibly is an advanced professional core skill.
The project "Ernährungsradar" is a joint project of the University of Bayreuth, the Competence Center fpr Nutrition (KErn), and the Akademie für Neue Medien. The objective of the project is to present scientifically sound information on nutrition which is both comprehensible and appealing, and act on the overwhelming presence of fake news in popular information sources. For interested parties a knowledge portal as an online platform provides a reliable source of information. The University of Bayreuth and the Akademie für Neue Medien are working together with students to create multemedia content to explain facts about nutrition in an evidence-based and understandable way and are being funded by the Oberfrankenstiftung.

The media library of the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health contains the multimedia productions of the Ernährungsradar project. Both video podcasts from the KUestions series and student explainer videos provide information on current topics relating to nutrition and food.
Click here for the online knowledge portal Ernährungsradar.
In addition to the multimedia content, other topics from the project can be found here.
We facilitate attendance at free media training courses in German or English. Here, skills in professional speaking, journalistic writing, interviewing and video production can be developed. Certificates are issued for completed trainings. Students choose a nutrition topic and create their own media contribution. We provide free media lab with equipment, software recommendations, media and science expertise. We are committed to correct information about nutrition and are looking for interested people to participate.

- ContactHide
University of Bayreuth
Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health
Campus Kulmbach
Fritz-Hornschuch-Straße 13, 95326 KulmbachProf. Dr. Stephan ClemensProject director Nutrition Radar
Phone: +49 (0) 921-55 2630
Website with multimedia contributions: media channels:
Ernährungsradar on LinkedIn:
Ernährungsradar on Instagram: